bloom's taxonomy


analyze, arrange, connect, divide, infer, separate,classify, compare, contrast, explain, select,order,breakdown, correlate, diagram, discriminate, focus, illustrate, infer, outline, prioritize, subdivide, points out, prioritize

Examples: recognize and explain patterns and meaning, see parts and wholes


apply,lassify,change,illustrate,solve,demonstrate,calculate,omplete,solve,modify,show, experiment,relate,discover,act, administer,articulate,chart,collect,compute,construct,determine,develop,establish,

prepare, produce, report, teach, transferm, use

Examples: use information in new situations, solve problems


associate, compare, distinguish, extend, interpret, predict, differentiate, contrast, describe, discuss, estimate, group, summarize, order, cite, convert, explain, paraphrase, restate, trace

Examples: find meaning, transfer, interpret facts, infer cause & consequence, examples


assess,compare,decide,discriminate,measure,rank,test,convince,conclude,explain,gra de,judge, summarize,support,appraise,criticize,defend,persuade,justify,reframe

Examples: make recommendations, assess value and make choices, critique ideas


collect,describ, identify, list, show, tell, tabulate, define, examine, label, name, retell, state, quote, enumerate, match, read, record, reproduce, copy, select

dates, events, places, vocabulary, key ideas, parts of diagram, 5Ws


combine,compose, generalize, modify, invent, plan, substitute, create, formulate, integrate, rearrange, design, speculate, rewrite, adapt, anticipate, collaborate,

Examples: discuss "what if" situations, create new ideas, predict and draw conclusions